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In a sudden twist of fate, Austin J. was forced to hire Andrew E. as his PR agent Tuesday night after horrifically low friend-approval ratings.
The irony of the situation exists because of an article authored by Austin J. in which he ridicules Andrew E. for his leadership and calls his profession nonsense. But with his reputation in the dumpster, he has no other option but to turn to the master of Advertising and PR, Andrew E.
Austin J.’s low friend-approval ratings stem from his extreme exploitation of blogging privileges. His communication breakdown for the past 3 days has been the following:
97% - blog related communications
2% - rugby related communications
1% - why he is “tougher” than Jon O. who is “tough as nails”
Andrew E. is faced with a very difficult task in trying to rebuild Austin J.’s much tarnished image. Expect to see changes in topical discussions including why University of Texas “blows the big one” and why Willmar is the worst city in MN. Topics that Andrew is recommending for immediate termination include: blogging, rugby, University of Texas, Deloitte, and accounting.
Austin J. later added that, “I am just your average, left-brained, analytical, number crunching idiot that knows nothing about public perception, thats why I need Andrew E.’s help.” Andrew E. responded by saying, “I’m glad to help out a friend, as long as he realizes how much people like him need people like me!”
Bethel University senior Kyle L. has accomplished what many thought was impossible. Four months ago Kyle broke the world record for most first dates in one month. In the month of September Kyle managed to partake in an astonishing amount of first dates, 247 to be exact. After a few months of research put in by the Guinness book of world records team, they have decided to proclaim Kyle’s feat official. They have determined that all the dates were official although some of the participants may in fact have been under the age of 18. In the end they determined that age should not take place in the discussion as long as the girls were over the age of consent.
Although this accomplishment seems like a great one, it did not come without sacrifice. Many believe that Kyle’s dates were the real reason that he was kicked off the football team. After hearing this I decided to do a little research myself. In a conversation I had with coach Steve Johnson he said “Although I did not know about ALL the dates that Kyle was going on, I could tell that there was something taking most of his attention, and it does explain all the women that I saw him hanging around.” Also in my research I was able to talk to some of the girls that he went on dates with. Ashley Q., pictured above, said "although it did not work out between Kyle and I, I am still glad I was able to be part of such a historic event. Kyle gave me the night of my life, and he even cooked breakfast for me in the morning." Kyle is a man we should all respect for what he was able to accomplish.
After 4 years of donating his vital blood plasma, the well has run dry for Jay R. He received the news at his last visit to Biolife Plasma Services. Plasma Technician Susan W. recalls the event. “I checked his plasma levels and there was nothing there. I’ve seen people run low, even down to a couple drops, but never completely run out.” She added that “he is probably the most desperate person I have ever met.” Jay R. will now be forced with alternative means of financing date nights with his girlfriend, buying video games, and chipotle dinners. Due to his body’s inability to generate any blood plasma for cash, Jay R. is inquiring about donating sperm, participating in dangerous medical studies, and selling body parts on the black market.