Bethel University senior Kyle L. has accomplished what many thought was impossible. Four months ago Kyle broke the world record for most first dates in one month. In the month of September Kyle managed to partake in an astonishing amount of first dates, 247 to be exact. After a few months of research put in by the Guinness book of world records team, they have decided to proclaim Kyle’s feat official. They have determined that all the dates were official although some of the participants may in fact have been under the age of 18. In the end they determined that age should not take place in the discussion as long as the girls were over the age of consent.
Although this accomplishment seems like a great one, it did not come without sacrifice. Many believe that Kyle’s dates were the real reason that he was kicked off the football team. After hearing this I decided to do a little research myself. In a conversation I had with coach Steve Johnson he said “Although I did not know about ALL the dates that Kyle was going on, I could tell that there was something taking most of his attention, and it does explain all the women that I saw him hanging around.” Also in my research I was able to talk to some of the girls that he went on dates with. Ashley Q., pictured above, said "although it did not work out between Kyle and I, I am still glad I was able to be part of such a historic event. Kyle gave me the night of my life, and he even cooked breakfast for me in the morning." Kyle is a man we should all respect for what he was able to accomplish.
Sadly, "Ashley Q", as she is reffered to by name and picture in this article, is more attractive than young lady that "The Little One" stated he made out with.
ReplyDeleteAfter recent research, it was indeed not a lady "The Little One" made out with, but rather a horribly disfigured asian boy of similar size.