With our economy in a seemingly never ending death spiral, what business has extra money to spend on advertising? None! During this troubling time companies need to cut back on their expenses and concentrate their funds only where they are needed, like paying their accountants. At Bethel University there seems to be a movement that is taking place with business students to start an advertising club. The student leading this charge is Bethel senior and 35 year old Andrew E., pictured above. My questions is should we as Bethel students be paying for a completely unnecessary club like the ad club. Especially when it is gonna be led by this kid.
I challenge you as Bethel students and faculty to think about this. If students want to get an education so they can go into advertising they should have just gone to National American University. If students want to pay the tuition that they are paying to go here they should at least get a job that matters. I think in these times we should save our money and use it to lower tuition cost and pay for important things like bills, instead of wasting it on useless clubs
Why do people respond well to aerial advertising