It has come to my attention that many of us play video games on the "Junior Varsity" difficulty setting. Now, this setting is indeed something that can be acceptable for those under the age of 10, or those with sever mental handicaps, because it appropriately challenges the mind in these facets of life.
However, once one graduates to age 11, or overcomes severe mental disabilities, they must also graduate from the "Junior Varsity" difficulty settings. Failing to do so will inhibit further growth as a human, more specifically as a true "Man's Man." Performing on a lower level on something as simple video games then translates to a lower overall performance in life - aka - drink more, get fatter, date uglier woman, or hanging out with "The Little One."
Let us examine this in a more artistic manner. When you were younger you wore diapers to make sure that your feces was not strewn about the house because you were at an age where your mental capacity was similar to a monkey (they throw their feces, you just left on the ground). However, when you began to learn to speak, and walk, and quantum physics, you graduated from the diaper into the "pull-ups", or for some, right into "whitey-tighties". This is because it was the appropriate development path for your overall well-being.

Had you not taken this path of development and graduated from diapers to underwear, and subsequently into the use of the toilet to dispose of your waste, you would be sitting and reading this with a horribly smelly diaper, saturated with feces and urine, wrapped tightly upon you, and possibly with a little diaper rash. This then creates an overall negative life view.
From this example, we can see that not graduating to the most difficult setting on games, or the second most difficult setting will in turn lead you to sit in a pile of your own filth, rather than challenging you and developing you into the next Obama, or Hitler.... I mean....
So today I challenge you to challenge yourself - Move up a level and become greatness, lest you sit in your dirty diaper.
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